Monday, April 18, 2005

Frölunda wins in five

Though it was long predicted, it still feels really great that Frölunda has won at last. When we lost the first game there was a lot of naysaying and speculation, particularly from the papers in Stockholm. They said our backs were old. Well they may be old but they are brilliant. Along with Henke they shut down the opposition the rest of the way. Färjestad scored one more goal the rest of the series and Frölunda shut them out at home. Including the 1 - 0 win to win the championship. I think we'll take Frölunda's backs any day.

It was some what hard to pick a most valuable player, though the logical choice was Henrik (Henke) Lundqvist. He was brilliant. But Daniel Alfredsson was also amazing setting a record for points scored in post-season play. Niklas Andersson was also brilliant, scoring the winning goal in overtime and showing his leadership skills the whole way, skating hard as if he was nineteen.

Another player that deserves mention is Jari Tosla. He played tough and agressively, going to the net and forchecking. He scored a goal and his entire line played well, although I think many people expected more from Magnus Kahnberg. Magnus scored five goals but there were times during the season where he would dominate a defense nearly completely, so we expected a lot in the playoffs.

Now it is time to look to the World Championships! The good news is that there are six players from Frölunda on the team.