Friday, May 13, 2005

Sweden vs Switzerland

A tight match, like all the others in the quarterfinals. But this one was probably not as close as the others. While Switzerland played well, they were no match for the Swedes. In the seond period the Swedes were swarming, keeping the puck in the Swiss zone, the Swiss couldn't even ice it. A sweet goal high on Gerber put the Swedes ahead for good but there were some close calls for the Swiss which could have made the game reflect the Swedish dominance. They really handle the puck well and pass well too, the Swedes. Their goaltending was brilliant again - notice only one goal allowed by Sweden versus the four allowed by Canada and two allowed by the Czech Republic.

My predictions were on target, so I am going to make some more.

Russia vs Canada - Winner: Russia
Czech Republic vs Sweden - Winner: Sweden

Canada will find the Russians hard to handle, though if the Russians do not play some defense Canada can out shoot them, could be a goal fest. The Czechs have not impressed me, though I have to confess I have not seen much of them recently. No Hacek though, and Jagr is not the player he once was. The Swedes are disciplined, but lethal, so when the inevitable mistake comes, Sweden can capitalize. If Sweden scores first they will win, if they score three goals they will win. But if the Czechs get on the board first or if they manage to put more than one or two past Lundqvist, trouble.